
Dalugan-Casiguran, Aurora
April 22-24

Finally all the stories about Dalugan will be all real to me. I have 7 days to spare. Perks of a teacher, summer vacation. Left Manila early morning of April 21. Arrived Baler 5am. I have the whole day to chill and surf in Sabang. 

All my things were ready for Dalugan. Tent, cookset, stove, butane, surf board. Ready to go. We left by van around 930pm of April 21. It was 3.5 hours trip to Casiguran. We dropped off at Barangay Esteves. We were lucky to get a boat man to take us to the island despite the unusual time we arrived. It took us an hour to get there. I'm at awe how early people were up. At 230am there was a fresh catch being weighed; and there were tricycle drivers ready to take us to the camp site. We immediately took our ID's and logged in for safety and security reasons. 

Set camp, then caught some sleep!


The island was beyond beautiful. I can't eve find the best adjective to describe it or even give justice to it. I found the perfect spot to get away from the busy and crowded Baler. Having no electricity, signal and decent comfort room were nothing compared to the perfect waves breaking all to ourselves, the fresh catch every meal, the crystal clear water as we swim in the lagoon, the kind and accommodating community.

I will definitely go back to this place, a home away from home.


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