Letting Go

Reading Thought Catalog can bring you a myriad mix of emotions, heartbreaking, sad, contented, relieved, happy, fortunate and a whole lot more.

This particular article highlighted important points as if slapping me in the face to wake up!

When someone decides you’re not the one for them, don’t argue with them.
When someone decides you’re not the one for them, do not, I repeat, do not question yourself. 
When someone decides you’re not the one for them, love yourself enough to let them go. 
When someone decides you’re not the one for them, take your time to find yourself again, a self that isn’t confined within anyone’s definition of “the one,” a self that’s true, a self that’s happy. 
Remember your life before them. Remember all the moments you felt so happy, so confident, so strong and it had nothing to do with them or being chosen by them at all.
Everything mentioned in the article pierced my heart, and allowed me to come back into my senses, and my logical mind. No point to prolong this sadness. There's more in store for me. Working on something really big for myself and I'm excited to reach it.

How to be Okay when they decide you're not the one


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