Christmas Surf

Location: Baler, Aurora
December 10-12, 2011
Surf 9: Christmas Surf

I plotted in my planner to have a surf trip on this weekend. I don't know yet at that time who I'm going with. I thought I was surfing with Sons but then they bailed. It's the last month of  year 2011 and I have to keep my at least once a moth surf promise. So I told myself I'll surf even if I don't have anyone with me.

I feel that it was Jess' plan to allow Mace and I to surf together. I got to know her thru a friend during an event in UP FA. For some random reason I texted her a week before this plotted surf trip and the next thing I know she'll be my surf sister for the weekend.

Two girls gone surfing! We arrived in Baler with a gloomy weather and continuous rain. I expected it since weather forecast said there was a Low Pressure Area but I was still hopeful that Mr. Sun will come up. 3pm, it was still raining but we fought the cold weather and paddled out. Nice long rides!

In the evening, jamming night with Blue Island at Bahia Bar and Grill. I missed their play list. It was nice to hear them all again!

The next day, Mr. Sun was up smiling oh so brightly! Yeahay. Morning surf sesh was amazing .Ever drop was a brand new feeling. Channel was wide that made paddling out very easy. Big waves and solid drops. Saraaap! I now know how to turn my board, from walling to back-side, then back to walling. Good improvement I must say. Next time I'll have to practice with my short board. I haven't formally introduced her yet, I will in my next entry.

This surf trip was one o a kind. It was a moving one, that Mace and I felt Jess wanted us to do something out of ordinary. On our last night looking for a place to take a bath, we met an 8-year old kid who followed us wherever we went. She went with us when we had dinner at Bay's Inn. I've never seen this kid before so I asked her where she lives. Surprisingly she thinks like a grown up. We were having a small talk with her when out of nowhere she opened up to us that she was raped. My heart dropped and didn't know how to react or what to say. Mace and I felt sorry for her and thought of ways how we can help her. It was a long conversation with her. We felt how scared she was to go home. She shared how she misses her parents. (According to her, her parents left her. She's living with her lola now.) She wanted to come with us so badly but we couldn't take her. The least we could do was to introduce Jess to her so that she could have someone to talk to.

For me that was the highlight of the trip. It was very moving and I felt good that I was able to share Jess' love for her.

Back Track:
Surf 1 (niyugan)
Surf 2 (soul surf)

Surf 3 (surf jam)

Surf 4 (april fool's)
Surf 5 (year 2)
Surf 6 (storm surf)
Surf 7 (Work-surf)
Surf 8 (MBS Surf)


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