River Flat

Surf 7 Flat Sabang
July 13-14, 2013
Dianed, Aurora

Ok so a day before the trip there were photos in Facebook on how waves were soo big and nice that day. I was hyped to go back to Baler, hoping that I'll catch those waves.

Unlucky me! Saturday morning, July 13, Sabang was river flat. Why?? Huhu. But hey good thing there are a lot of spots in Baler. I went with Chino together with some lokals to Dianed, a surf spot, one hour or so away from Sabang by motorcycle. Yes! Endured the ass pain riding the motorcycle to surf. They say waves in Dianed can be as big as a house "ga-bahay" as what lokals would say but that time when we got there, waves were manageable. Not really nice, but there are good sets from time to time as compared to the condition in Sabang. So generally pretty stoked, I must say. We were the only ones at the line up. It's a reef break. Reefs were smooth that my feet can handle. There were also a lot of sea weeds. Eeeeky feeling when my legs get surrounded.

After the surf sesh 
Photo by Trixie

It was time to go after the surf sesh. On the way back I finally got a taste of the famous isaw in Dipaculao. Saraaap! Plus their sawsawan with sliced cucumber, winner! Yes satisfied stomach.

In the evening, had a short jamming with Charlie Does boys and Marikoy. Ha, the horse hit me big time. And then back to Rushie's point and continued the all night long jam.

I really needed this surf trip cos I know it will be my last. Busy weekends ahead huhu and it breaks my heart that there are a lot of holidays in August and I can't even go out of town or surf. Ok sacrifice. Eyes on the Prize! Focus. This sacrifice will be all worth it and  I can't wait to get this sacrifice over. Whew!


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