Race course

Saturday Training= double load

It's my first time to load twice. Actually today, we didn't have to unload after an hour. Training was for two straight hours. WOW! Define pagod and vegetable arms after. We did 10 sets of 300m race course. Program for each, 30 power starts, longs, pick up, last kick, quick pull quick drive. Very tiring I must say.

Army Navy for breakfast! Yeah.. I ordered chicken burrito. Not bad for 135pesos.

To continue on the boat's clingyness, we went to Laurie's condo/hotel in Astoria, Shaw. Nice place btw chill tambayan! We created a video showcasing the place. Oh and I became an instant model for Yves' 7 + + ways of wearing a cloth. Very amazing. Different styles for different occasions. More on this when the pictures are uploaded.

Till the next clingyness. Hopefully I can stay longer next time when there's no family duties.


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