The Cove

The Cove shot by a team of activists, film makers and free divers. Their mission: to penetrate a reomote and hidden cove in Taiji, Japan, shining a light on a dark and deadly secret. Hidden microphones and cameras in fake rocks were used to uncover how this village does massive dolphin slaughter.

Academy Award Winner for Best Documentary of 2009.

Thousands of dolphins captured and killed. Some placed on theme parks for show, some sold as meat. Sad but true!

In the Philippines, Ocean Adventure Park in Subic has imported five false killer whales, and seven bottlenose dophins from the Japanese dive fishery. If we want to stop the hunting in Japan, and animals dying in aquariums, STOP WATCHING DOLPHIN SHOWS. Set free all captivated dolphins!

Go to Save Japan dolphins for more info on the global campaign to stop the biggest slaughter of small whales and dolphins in the world.


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