Busy Bee
It's 12.46am and still wide awake. I thought this week will be a light one since I'm done with all the lectures for my class. That means no more lesson plans to prepare. But no! I have to check their recent exam and give back the results in time before their periodicals next week. I've finished checking one section. One more section to go! Aside from checking, I have to prepare questions for the periodicals. Whew! I haven't started yet. I'm hoping I'll finish by 5am. Wow! Lastly, one student requested for a reviewer for their periodicals. Still haven't started that. Wah... Time I need more time.
After all these, there's a reward! Looking forward to the epic weekend. On Friday, August 6 there's APPS' PARTY sponsored by the UP MBS applicants Batch SEAduction 2010. One word to describe, WINNER! From their poster to the invitation. Their a bunch of rich talented apps. Career ang lahat ng bagay! I hope they'll be as passionate when they become members already.

Poster by Batch SEAduction 2010

Poster by Batch SEAduction 2010
The next day, SURF'S UP! The day I reunite with the waves. My last surf was two months ago in Zambales.
Yeah! Can't wait for the weekend!
Yeah! Can't wait for the weekend!
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