Saturday Activities

My Saturday was spent for extra curricular activities. No acad stuff at all! My day began early morning 5am at Mcdo Katipunan for the dragonboat training. Our usual meet up place of the Katipunan Crew. Before it used to be me, Bry, Neka, Klar and Mannix. But now we're getting bigger that one assigned car of the day is sometimes not enough.

Anyway, loading time yesterday at 6am. 30 push ups welcomed us for being late! Program for the day: 2 sets 20 drops, 3 sets of 300m, then switch sides. What made the training harder is the new form that our coach wants us to do. Before we were used to bending our digging arm but this time both arms should be locked straight. It forces us to twist our body and make the movement of our paddles come from our upper body and not from our arms. Apparently there were studies that show that straightening both arms maximizes the pull more. Yes, entry of the paddle is much shorter but the intensity of the pull is much stronger. Everyone on the boat was still adjusting to the new form. Our body still adjusting as well. Few more trainings and we'll get used to it. It'll probably take us to the finals of the upcoming Second Leg on July 25. Tara UP LABAN!

After the tiring training, it's just fitting that we fill our stomachs with delicious Jollibee food. I love Jollibee's Crispy Chicken Joy! Mouth watering crispy chicken skin! I was supposed to go home right after breakfast with Bry and Tessa but it was hard to resist the clingyness of the boat. So from Jollibee then off to Yves' house for more tambay mode.

Went home by 1230pm. I got the stove and the frying pan that will be used for the MBS apps-mems acquaintance party.

Chill party at MBS tambs! Surpsingly there were a lot of apps who attended. They almost out numbered the mems. Isaw baboy and manok, chica, mani for all! Wow the apps were so diverse and young! To complete the day, dinner at Kabab corner!

Yeaahooo! The much needed Saturday club after a stressful and haggard week in school. Can't wait for this week to end!

Entries under Dragon boat and MBS from my previous blog.


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