
Showing posts from July, 2018

First Sem

Yesterday I saw my colleague coming in late to school. Quite surprised he was late because he came from UP to enroll. All the while I thought enrollment starts today until Thursday, but no it's Monday until Wednesday only. And I filed my leave on Thurs! So I quickly informed our HR the change of my leave to today. By 1pm I was at UP already waiting for my adviser. Doc Amy wasn't around though, so Doc Manzano took over. It was a fast process for me cos I got all the subjects I enlisted for online. Completely done by 2pm. Looking forward to this semester! I'm excited to ace it. One more semester left after this one, and I'm on to thesis writing. Whew! Now I will have to keep reading so I can formulate a better topic proposal. Road to #bestthesis

Price to pay

My classmate from last sem really writes well, and I'm at awe with every thought provoking piece she posts on her facebook.  "Whatever you want in life, you must give up something to get it. The greater the value, the greater the sacrifice required of you. Everything has a price. There's a price to pay if you want to make things better, and a price to pay for just leaving things as they are. Nothing worthwhile ever comes easily." -Louise Licudi I've figured out things I want in my life. And I will work my ass off to get them. There's a roadmap on my mind and I know clearly how to get there. Really motivated now more than ever. Whew gotta hustle! Got no time for setbacks.  


This weekend I would say was a different take on the years I've been going to Baler. Before, it just used to be a surf weekend with friends; a solo travel to relieve stress from work or school; a tour because friends ask me to take them there. This weekend was my time to have some peace and quiet; a time for me to reconnect with myself; a time for healing; a time to regain strength; a time to reflect and be aware of the blessings I've overlooked. I had this high feeling of doing something right for myself. Apart from the stoke I get during and after surf, there's a renewed feeling I got the entire weekend. As if my troubles and worries were wiped out, not totally but at least the heavy load on my shoulders lightened. As I paddled out to the lineup it felt good to be one with the ocean.  You have to be mindful of the current and where the point breaks because otherwise you'll get stuck where the set is. Waves will crash over you, you'd feel being tossed around ...

Relationships are worth fighting for

I decided to have this "me time". I need it for me to focus on myself, focus on how to recover, focus on finding the goodness in everything, focus on appreciating the little things, focus on being mindful and being self aware. Boarded the 2:30am bus earlier to Baler, my forever happy place. It's where I find peace, calmness, and good vibes. The locals here just have that energy that uplifts me every time I walk along the beach or anywhere and they greet me with all smiles exclaiming I haven't gone back for so long, or just simply ask how I've been doing. My ever supportive and loving mother agreed that I needed this healing for myself, so without having second thoughts she booked me to a nice hotel here! Wow now that's a first. In the years I've been going here she never paid a place to stay for me. Well she knows I'm the practical type and won't splurge on a hotel, cos I normally just book at a single fan room when I solo travel here. For t...


When I got home yesterday, I checked my facebook account and received a message from a friend who I haven't seen for a long time. She said she's meeting up with another common friend at City Golf and asked me to come with. Without having second thoughts I cancelled my scheduled tutorial, changed clothes, and immediately drove going there. This reunion was so random and unplanned. We haven't seen each other for years! Uncle Moe's was our forever tambayan to get below zero beers! So it also felt reliving the good old days. Surprisingly all three of us had a breakup story to tell. I don't know maybe we were brought together again at the right timing, to uplift and console each other. I'm thankful that I've got those friends whom I can comfortably talk to even if we don't regularly see each other. But when you do meet again, as if nothing has changed, the bond and friendship remains. Surfsisters

To love is to be selfless

Been reading a lot of thought catalog articles and some quotes on facebook and instagram to uplift myself. I stumbled upon this comment by Wong Rachel on Facebook that I could relate to. What if a person is unaware of their traumas and suppressed emotions to actively work on it, and only finds out during the relationship? Are you going to love that person despite all their challenges and flaws? Just thinking from a different perspective. It is not always about how a person should be and how a person should fit into our box at the moment. A relationship should be hard work and maintenance. Because no one is perfect. This is just the tip of d iceberg. The way to experiencing a better relationship with loved ones is to remember that it is not just about us. If we truly loved a person, we'd work with them, Understand them, support, encourage, and be there for one another. It is a two-way experience. Sometimes, to love, is to be selfless... I am this exact person. I am unaware...

Increase your self-awareness with one simple fix

"Yesterday I was clever so I was changing the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself." Ask WHAT instead of why... What made me cry? What was painful that I cannot accept? What have I learned from the relationship?  What do I value more after everything? What can I do to make myself a better partner? During lunch today another close married friend at work noticed me unusually quiet and sad. So I shared to her what just happened to me over the weekend. I still can't stop the tears from falling as I recall every detail of that last conversation with R. It was good to hear from someone who is married and has more experience with relationships. She said things that made me feel somehow relieved and at peace. I'm thankful for the support of friends. It is indeed at times like this you will know who you're real friends are.

Day 3 Since the Breakup

I’m over with the what if stage after I sent R the link to my entry on Questions I would have answered R. I think I’ve captured already there everything that I wanted him to know. I cried and smiled while answering those questions. I was alone at home and I cried in my room. That’s the only time I can break down, cos I don’t want momi to see me cry. It hurts me to see her worry about me. It felt good to just release everything.   I’m still feeling quite sad about the break up. Some would say that’s nothing! It’s good that it ended early on at least you saved yourself early on as well from heartaches. But you know what, a break up is a break up, whether the relationship is short or long spanned.     Early this morning on the way to school, I finally spoke up to momi and shared to her how it ended. It’s just comforting to hear a mother’s advice. There’s no need to be feeling at the losing end because the good thing is I learned from it, most especially fr...

Questions I would have answered R

What did you think when you first met me? I thought you were a bad boy kind of guy. What do you remember most about the night/day we first met? You finishing up the bottle of beer cos I was already done drinking. And you showing me your big bike. What about our relationship makes you really happy? I’m happy that I got to know myself more and how I see relationships. I’m not happy that it had to end quick. How long did you think our relationship would last when we first started dating? I really thought this would be my last one. If you had one word to describe our relationship what would it be? Rollercoaster If you had one word to describe our love what would it be? Eternal What’s your biggest fear for this relationship? That things wont work out between us. Do you believe there’s one person you’re ‘meant’ to be with? Absolutely. I always pray for THE ONE. Do you believe in fate? destiny? Yeah I do. I think things happen for a reason and it’s fate and ...