Short lived 1 of 2

What I loved and will surely miss in no specific order...
  • Face time sessions. He was the first ever I had face time with since I got my macbook. Funny I really didn't know how to use it.
  • The sweet exchange of messages 
  • Inviting him over for lunch
  • Driving to BGC! I used to hate going there because I thought it was far and I don't like getting lost but because of the constant lunch and dinner dates there I got the hang of it. I'm now more confident driving around BGC.
  • Hearing his handsome voice over the phone.
  • Hearing him sing loudly church songs when we go hear mass. He can be the whole choir!
  • His very gentleman acts like opening doors, walking along the danger side of the street.
  • The long drives out of town
  • Movie dates
  • Coffee sessions even if i dont drink coffee
  • Waiting for him finish his cig
  • Warm cuddles and soft kisses
  • His backseat rider remarks
  • Life lessons he imparted
  • He respects my body.
What I hated in no specific order...
  • The sudden change in plans. I specifically remember the movie in Nuvali and the children's birthday party in Makati.
  • Him not texting
  • My messages being just seen
  • Lack of words of affirmation
  • The feeling of being ignored and unwanted
  • Silent and cold treatment 
  • The feeling of being inferior beside him
There's more that I loved and will miss than what I hated, which means still no regrets. It was short lived but worth remembering.

I was too guarded. I should have just loosened up at the beginning in the first place cos I really felt and saw a very bright and promising future with him. If only it wasn't too late. 


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