Short Lived 2 of 2

I learned and discovered things about myself and about relationships that I wouldn't have known without having gone into that short lived relationship.

  • Lower the tone of my voice. He's the first person who told me that I talk as if I'm angry or picking a fight. And then I got it validated by a colleague who told me to hear myself when I speak weeks later. I'm very cautious now. I believe I have the sweetest voice already!
  • Be vocal of how I feel. There's nothing wrong with showing your vulnerable side to your partner. Trust that your partner wont judge you or belittle you
  • Be open and honest with everything. No secrets. Your partner has the right to now after all he's the one who should be able to listen to you and help you.
  • Getting into relationship means hard work. It's not always fun times. Be ready to battle with different situations.
  • Not everything is about YOU. Don't be self centered.
  • I learned I have insecurities I need to fix. I need some positive boosting perhaps.
  • It's perfectly ok to dig in deep into my emotions. Bring down that wall and just express myself.  Again be able to fully trust your partner.
  • Do not expect your partner to understand you without communicating freely your thoughts and your feelings. 

These for now. Maybe I have more as I do some reflection again. It's refreshing to say that it has done me good. And I thank my once partner for these.


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