Questions I would have answered R
What did you think when you first met me?
I thought you were a bad boy kind of guy.
What do you remember most about the night/day we first met?
You finishing up the bottle of beer cos I was already done drinking. And you showing me your big bike.
What about our relationship makes you really happy?
I’m happy that I got to know myself more and how I see relationships. I’m not happy that it had to end quick.
How long did you think our relationship would last when we first started dating?
I really thought this would be my last one.
If you had one word to describe our relationship what would it be?
If you had one word to describe our love what would it be?
What’s your biggest fear for this relationship?
That things wont work out between us.
Do you believe there’s one person you’re ‘meant’ to be with?
Absolutely. I always pray for THE ONE.
Do you believe in fate? destiny?
Yeah I do. I think things happen for a reason and it’s fate and destiny that bring you there sometimes.
What’s one difference between us that you absolutely love?
I loved that you are the planner and im the carefree one who’s just up for anything.
What’s one similarity between us that you absolutely love?
Our faith in the Lord. I loved that we were able to hear mass together. Hearing your manly and beautiful voice is heart warming.
What about me made you fall in love?
I fell in love with how you perceive life.
Is love something that scares you?
Yes. I’m afraid that what I give is not reciprocated. Selfish yes. That I need to work on.
What about love scares you?
I answered it already :)
What’s your favorite memory of us?
My favorite memory was when we went to the bike/car show in MOA. It was a new world to me. I felt honored you wanted to share a part of your world to me. And I was happy seeing your eyes smile as you look at the display of bikes.
What’s one thing you want to do together that we’ve never done before?
Cook food for each other.
If something happened where I had to move very far away, would you attempt long-distance? Or go our separate ways?
I will definitely attempt long-distance.
Where is your favorite place to be with me?
Your condo :)
What’s one thing you’re scared to ask me, but really want to know the answer to?
Do you see me as your wife?
What’s one thing you feel our relationship is lacking?
Conversations like these 50 questions.
What’s your favorite non-physical quality about me?
Being eloquent. Thats one thing I’m really not good at. I stammer for words.
What’s your favorite physical quality about me?
Your soft lips.
If our relationship ended, what’s the one thing about it you’d miss the most?
Do you think you’ve been vulnerable in our relationship?
No. This was my problem. I was scared to show it to you. I always think about the negative things you would say to me. I failed to trust you fully.
What do you think was your most vulnerable moment in our relationship?
Do you think I’ve been vulnerable in our relationship?
What do you think has been the hands-down funniest moment since we started dating?
When you were not aware that I answered you already! You were driving the car going to the spa in BGC and you asked when we’d be together, and i just blankly said you want it now? For me that was my candid yes already. After the massage I was still lying down wrapped with towel and you kissed me and I said thanks babe after. You didnt seem to hear it. In the elevator you asked me again what I said. And you laughed! Back in the car parking lot I said I wont repeat it because you laughed at me. And then I said kasi tayo na! You were completely shocked and asked since when. haha I said since you asked me earlier going to the spa. :D
What’s one quality about me that I see as a flaw that you absolutely love?
I don’t know what you call that quality, but you always say you’re not guapo. That you wish you had good looks. That you’re the ugliest in the family. I love it because I think otherwise!
What’s one secret you’ve wanted to tell me, but haven’t?
My ex was PWD too.
Do you think there’s such thing as the ‘right’ person for you?
Yeah I do. I believed and prayed that YOU are the right person and THE ONE for me.
Do you think I’m the ‘right’ person for you? (If yes) What about me makes me the ‘right’ person?
You are the right person for me because you’ve said things to me that made me realise and get to know myself more. How old am I? Gosh and i realise things only now and that’s because of you. You are the right person because you can bring out the best in me.
If I said you could date other people, would you?
No. That’s a trick question!
What do you think I’d say is your most attractive quality?
I think it would be my vow to no sex before marriage.
What’s your favorite way to show affection?
This is lacking. I’m not sweet and affectionate enough.This too I should work on. I always joke around to ease the seriousness. Driving you home and fetching you is one way of showing my affection.
What’s your favorite way to receive affection?
If you could change one thing about our relationship what would it be?
I won’t change anything. It’s me who has to change and I realized this too late.
If we could go anywhere together right now, where would you want to go?
I want to go to Bohol and explore the province on a motorbike. Well thats the only chance I could ride a bike with you. Too dangerous in manila! Thats one thing I really wanted to try, back riding with you.
What do you think is your biggest strength in this relationship?
Enduring the feeling of being ignored.
What’s your biggest weakness in this relationship?
Having a strong foundation of trust.
Who do you think is the most affectionate in our relationship?
What about us both is exactly the same since we first started dating?
We both like to travel.
What’s one thing I do that makes you feel good, that you wish I did more?
I felt good when you gave me words of affirmation. I wish this was constant. I specifically remember when I sent a yearbook picture of myself, you didnt react at all.
What’s one thing about your life you would never change for someone else, including me?
What’s one thing about your life you would never change for someone else, including me?
Traveling to surf. Surfing is something I need to do whenever I feel down. It’s surfing that helps me get back, start over, and do things right. Being crashed in the waves makes me whole again, makes me realize that there are things you cant control, and all you got to do is stand up and learn from it.
What about us do you think works well together? How do we balance each other out?
The fact that youre the planner and I’m the carefree one works. We balanced each other by throwing in ideas and work things out from there.
What’s one thing you hope happens in the future of our relationship?
I hope and pray that we get back together. It is a cliche but I really believe love is sweeter the second time around. #onemorechance #popoybasha
What does love mean to you?
Love means having to give it without reservations. This again is my problem. I was on the safe zone I ws afraid to risk because I didn’t want to get hurt. But not giving it all is whats painful now and having the relationship end is even more painful.
What do I mean to you?
You mean the entire lifetime to me. They say there’s no forever but I feel otherwise. I believed it was you.
What does this relationship mean to you?
This relationship was important to me. I treasure it so much that it pains me it had to end.
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