Relationships are worth fighting for

I decided to have this "me time". I need it for me to focus on myself, focus on how to recover, focus on finding the goodness in everything, focus on appreciating the little things, focus on being mindful and being self aware.

Boarded the 2:30am bus earlier to Baler, my forever happy place. It's where I find peace, calmness, and good vibes. The locals here just have that energy that uplifts me every time I walk along the beach or anywhere and they greet me with all smiles exclaiming I haven't gone back for so long, or just simply ask how I've been doing.

My ever supportive and loving mother agreed that I needed this healing for myself, so without having second thoughts she booked me to a nice hotel here! Wow now that's a first. In the years I've been going here she never paid a place to stay for me. Well she knows I'm the practical type and won't splurge on a hotel, cos I normally just book at a single fan room when I solo travel here. For that I'm so grateful.

I brought with me a book to read. Haven't read a book for leisure for a long time! It's always just books needed for work or for school. And it's a good feeling to be reading again at the beach. Apart from the book I'm reading, Thought Catalog has been my other self talking to me to get up and move on. And of course a whole lot more videos I've watched to help me feel better.

This is the first video I watched since I arrived here earlier. And here are the words that struck me the most.

Biggest mistake we make is avoidance. We feel something, but we say nothing: smile and drink the poison…. We tend to avoid these conversation because we’re conscious of the risks of speaking up, but unconscious of the risks of not speaking up.
The success of a relationship is determined by the way in which sensitive issues are discussed.
Boom straight on! This is me. I avoid talking about sensitive and serious issues. I'm afraid to speak up. And I realise that I have to be able to do something about it. I can't just keep my silence and pretend everything's fine, when deep inside I'm hurting. I guess this breakup somehow helped me address that. Cos lately I've been talking to friends, sharing how I feel, and just really be open. And lastly I'm set to see a doctor this week. Well, if people go see a doctor when they're physically ill, then that goes the same for people feeling emotionally down right? Psychological health is just as important.

Relationships are worth fighting for…
Don’t worry when you fight, it’s when you stop it means there’s nothing left for you to keep fighting for.

You know what I tried fighting for it, but I got rejected. And since he stopped to fight by ending the relationship then,  that means there's nothing left for me to keep fighting for...

The real fight is both of you against the problem, not both of you against each other. 
This is a better way of looking at it!  Couples should not be against each other. You two are partners and should help each other.


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